Saturday, March 14, 2009

The III D Empire

The III D Empire

El lavado de cerebro nos hace cantar una canción llena de pena. Olas de gente que canta junta. Para que prospere el país. Para que prospere el país. Es la canción del país, es una bomba que simplemente esta encubierta. Libertad Amor Motin Poder putas i prostituas. Ciudad de ventas ilicitas Politica Pobreza Dicatadura Nuclear. ¿Hay tal cosa como la libertad en nuestro interior? Entonces otra Vicatoria, el resultado es destrucción Siendo Supervisado + el resultado equivale a desesperación. Para que prospere el país. Para que prospere el país. Es la canción del país. Es el SI que simplemente está incubierto. Chispa Visión Subliminal L&P El amor y la paz desaparecen. Es una ciudad de destrucción, y la llaman Libertad. Hermosos fuegos artificiales iluminan la noche como los noños sonríen con alegría. Alegres voces por todos los lados Ejecuta Arma de fuego Penetra adentro Uno Dos craneo Uno Dos Tres. Los sonidos de las armas de fuegon giran como el torbellino que golpea los oídos. El guarda de la prisión salta i grita entre risas. Las emociones de la gente giran en un torbellino. Rebelión Delito Dispara Uno Dos Niños Uno Dos Tres Limpia. La gente grita Despertar XXX CHISPA y XXX

The III D Empire

Brainwash makes us sing a sorrowful song. People in waves, they sing along. For the country to prosper. For the country to prosper. It's the country's song it's a bomb that's just covered up. Freedom Love Riot Power whores and prostitutes. City of illicit sales Politics Poverty Dictatorship Nuclear. Is there such a thing as freedom inside us? Other then Victory the result is destruction Being Supervised + the result equals despair. For the country to prosper. For the country to prosper. It's the country's song. It's TI that's just covered up. Spark Subliminal Vision L&P Love and peace is vanished. It's a city of destruction, and it's called freedom. Beautiful Fireworks light the night as the children smile with joy. Cheering voices all around. Exent Firearm Penetrates inside One Two in the cranium One Two Three. Sounds of firearm swirl like the whirlwind as it strike the ears. The prison guard jumps and scream in laughter. People'semotions swirl in a whirlwind. Rebellion Felony Shoot away One Two Children One Two Three. Cleanse away. People scream Awakening XX SPARK and XXX

Audience Killer Loop

Even blood that pours down form the slah wound to the chest needs a reason, right? Don't humans feel at case by hurting other people? Why do you look so disgusted? Deep inside, you deceive yourself with things you don't know, right? Will we ever understand each other? Is it you not wanting to? This is the garden of suicide. Are you having fun? Will my dreams come true at the garden? You don't have a reason to live in front of you?

In front of you is a box garden full of all of you people's lies and deceits.

Incluso la sangre que se derrama de la herida del pecho XXX hacía el pecho necesita una razón, ¿verdad? ¿Acaso los humanos no se sienten a gusto hiriendo a otra gente? ¿Por qué se te ve tan hastiado? XXX te decepcionas con cosas que no XXX, ¿verdad? ¿Llegaremos algún día a entendernos unos a otros? ¿Es qué no quieres? Este es el jardin del suicidio. ¿Te lo estas pasando bien? ¿XXX?

Frente a tí hay un jardín-caja lleno de vuestras mentiras i decepciones.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


The recent weak economy in Japan has been creating negative energy non-stop, making people in Japan lose grip of one's sense of values. This has affected even the music charts. The top 5 ranked music. Dir-en-grey has spent more than six months working on their new album [Vulgar] to make people up from this situation. Dir-en-grey has been a big part this time in recording, mixing and producing their new album. Please allow me to introduce to you Dir-en-grey. The band formed in 1997. In 1998 they broke the record by putting their song at nº 7 in the charts from an independent record label. November of that same year, just nearly a year after the band was formed, they performed at the Nippon Budokan, the first band ever to perform from a independent record label. They debuted with three singles at once, which was very uncommon. All three songs reached the top 10 on the music charts.and from then on, all songs they realise always ranked in the top 10. Just recently, in 2002 their 3rd album [Kisou] ranked at nº 3 on the charts at the highest. Proving that nothing can stop them and their music.This new album [Vulgar] includes all kinds of music. Heavy rock, hardcore, techno, and hip hop beats. But they created the sound to be so original, giving us a strong impact from the songs. When I first listened to the 1st track [audience KILLER LOOP] my expectations quiclky turned to excitement. And soon after listening to the 2nd track [THE II D EMPIRE] and the 3rd track [INCREASE BLUE] I was just stunned. It had given me goose bumps. The beautiful melody on the 5th track [SAJOU NO UTA] was a very emotional number with a warm and affectionate baseline. Track nº 13 [OBSCURE] had botha destruct beauty and a tense feeling all in one song. And [AMBER], the last song was a song, than I listened to over and over, and as I listened to it more and more, I felt kindness and a sense of ease. [It was like I expirienced a life-sized drama]

This is what I felt listening to their album [VULGAR].

They carry a massive weapon.
The weapon is not their musical technique.
Their weapon is the cry from their souls.
The songs thay make hit everyone's heart so forcefully, that tha lyrics thay shout burn inside our hearts, and the melody deepens.
The source of all this comes from their souls trembling with pain, making them cry out.

Right now, they aim to hit the world from Japan.